Saturday, 3 March 2012

NAPSTAT(Network Acess Protection Statistics)

in Network Acess Protection.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTPis a Cisco Own  protocol , Virtual Local Area Networks on the  local area network. Transfer VLAN information to  the connected switches in a VTP  advertisements sent over ISL, 802.1q, IEEE 802.10 and LANE trunks. VTP is Available on most domain of the Cisco Catalyst Family products.
Three Types:
1)Client mode : In this mode dont add and remove Vlan. It has no dabase means dont save.
2)Trnsperent mode :In this mode we add and remove vlan but only localy not in domain. It has save vlan only locally not in domain.
3)server mode :In this mode add and delete vlan in VTP domain. And also save vlan in domain.

802.11 Lineup
-Official as of September 1999
-Frequency 2.4GHZ
-Up to 11 MBPS (1, 2, 5.5, 11 Data rates)
-Most popular standard
-3 clean channels
-Official as of June 2003
-Frequency 2.4GHZ
-Backards compatible with 802.11B
-Up to 54 MBPS (12 Data rates)
-3 clean channels
-Official as of September 1999
-Frequency 5.8GHZ
-Up to 54 MBPS
-Not compatible with 802.11B/G
-12 to 23 clean channels
-Up to 100 MbPS
-MIMO (multiple input multiple output)

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Configure a Cisco Delegating Router for Prefix Delegation

  • Router>enable
  • Router#configure terminal
  • Router(config)#ipv6 dhcp pool poolname
  • Router(config-dhcp)#domain-name domain
  • Router(config-dhcp)#dns-server ipv6 address of DNS server
  • Router(config-dhcp)#prefix-delegation ipv6-prefix/prefix-length client-DUID [iaid] [lifetime]
  • Router(config-dhcp)#prefix-delegation pool poolname [lifetime {valid-lifetime | preferred-lifetime}]
  • Router(config-dhcp)#exit
  • Router(config)#interface type number
  • Router(config-if)#ipv6 dhcp server poolname

  • Tuesday, 18 October 2011

    Monday, 10 October 2011

    DCE (Data Communication Equipment)

      The Data communication Equipment.RS232c Standard.Each computer or Network Devices Try to connect via
    Serial Port.

    Friday, 16 September 2011

    How to Saving your Cisco Router configuration

    How to  Saving your Cisco Router configuration

    Once complete configure router, then it need to save  because if you forget to save 
    configuration then ,it works normally as configured but when a router restart then it 
    can't lode again configuration from start up config.because router ram is volatile ram 
    means once power off the data will it must need to save configuration in memory
     below command of save router configuration in permanent memory

    Example  :-cisco 1700#copy running-config start up-config

    After performing this command a  configuration is now saved to non-volatile RAM
    (NVRAM).can also check from command show start up config

    Example :- cisco 1700#show startup-config

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