Friday, 29 July 2011

Vlan Trunking protocole.

Vtp is Vlan Trunkng protocol,it's cisco propritery protocole,with use  of that protole we can add ,delete & edit Vlan in the switch ,when we have more than one switch in our network then ,with use of vtp protocol we can assign VTP on switch in Diffrent mode.

  There are three basic mode of VTP.
1.server mode :- in server mode you can ADD,Edit & delete vlan.

2.Transperent mode:- in  Transparent  switches do not participate in VTP does not advertise & synchronize its VLAN configuration based on received advertisements, but transparent switches do forward VTP advertisements that they receive out their trunk ports in VTP Version 2

3.Client mode :-in Client mode user can not add ,edit & delete Vlan,in this mode switch just accept advertise ment from server mode switch & set it.



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