Monday, 29 August 2011

Windows Errors

Error "NTLDR is Missing...... "
Many times we shows an error on pc screen ,when pc start ,
whenever pc shows  NTLDR is Missing  error than fallow the step to resolve error

NTLDR is Missing
Press any key to restart
Boot the pc from Cd Drive if boot priority setted first boot devices is hard drive then change it ,
To boot from CD rom or what ever drive have.
Then restart the Pc.
it will ask you "press any key to boot from cd" then press any key.
Then after wait till it ask you for press r key for Recovery
 Press R for recovery
Select the operation system what you wann repaire , if have installed more than one operating system
Then provide your pc's password if have
Then fallow these command ,
Copy G:\i386\ntldr D:\ "window installed in these drive"
Copy G:\i386\
Here, G:\ is the cd rom drive   "
Then press "y" of update windows configuration
Exit .
Then again set your boot priority to boot from hard disk.
Than root from your hard disk
Now it works normally


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