Friday, 16 September 2011

How to Saving your Cisco Router configuration

How to  Saving your Cisco Router configuration

Once complete configure router, then it need to save  because if you forget to save 
configuration then ,it works normally as configured but when a router restart then it 
can't lode again configuration from start up config.because router ram is volatile ram 
means once power off the data will it must need to save configuration in memory
 below command of save router configuration in permanent memory

Example  :-cisco 1700#copy running-config start up-config

After performing this command a  configuration is now saved to non-volatile RAM
(NVRAM).can also check from command show start up config

Example :- cisco 1700#show startup-config

Checking a connectivity in Network

 Checking a  connectivity in Network

   when network is running mode their is every possibility to fail your network devices,
so when ever your  Network device act as ab normal and in some of Cased ,i found that 
Network is down that are not ping or able to Transfer a date but in telnet the interface shown up,but in actual mode that is at that time just power off  router and re insert the interface card. which shown active but not actually up .this is problem of interface hang in some cases router interface hang due to temperature.because 24 hour on so it need cool temperature.this same issues creates in other devices like modems and switch.all my working time i faced this kind of issues so.One most useful and simple diagnostic tool is the ping command. Ping is an uses Icmp protocol  Internet Control Protocol (ICMP). Ping sends an ICMP (32 bit packet)echo request to a destination IP address. If the destination machine receives the Request, it reply with an ICMP echo response . 

For Example :-ping  \\ when  connection  Active

  Pinging with 32 bytes of Data:

   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255
   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255
   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255
   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255

For Exampls :-ping  \\ when  connection  is not Active

Pinging with 32 bytes of Data:

 Request time out
 Request time out
 Request time out
 Request time out

Troubleshooting your Cisco router

Troubleshooting your Cisco router

some of issue at Network device,that are common. Many time  it's Network Related issues like some power off,or interface cable are un-pluged come these are the common physical issu. but when ever notice any issur regarding router or user that is connected to router that can not reach a any destination,or any destinattion at all. we will need to check  how the router is attempting to route traffic . Then follow some command .

 Router7206#show interfaces  for checking any Connected interface down or Active
Router7206# #showip protocols
 Router7206##showip route

Configuring a Router

Configuring a Router 

 At the Router confuguration time take a router when you don't know .wht configuration is in's previously used or not.configuration saved or not or it's blank and new for solution all these question here there are some cisco command for showing the status of the network devices router & Switch .at any point of configuration point try out the following commands:

Router#show interfaces  //it will shows all set Configured or non configurated information
Router#showip protocols //  Sh ip informatiion 
Router#showip route  // Show Possible route connected
Router#showiparp   // Sh MAC Information from Ip Address.

Router#show interfaces  //it will shows all set Configured or non configurated information

Router#showip protocols //  Sh ip informatiion 
Router#showiparp   // Sh MAC Information from Ip Address.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Network Cables Color code

Straight Cable Cable (Ethernet Cable color code)

(1)orange white
(3)green white
(5)blue white
(8)Brown white

Cross Cable

Green white
orange white
blue white
Brown white

Wireless LAN Standards and Authentication-For Secure wireless Network

 Wireless LAN Standards and Authentication

   The WLAN standards & applying methods.Standards that Fallow set of rules &
   provide security for wireless networks .it’s one types of algorithms 
   gives uniq identity to it’s users & secure the wireless network.

    Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
    Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
    Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) or 802.11i .

See Vedio tutorial to how to apply WEP.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Assigning a trunk port to Switch & Router in beetween.

Assigning a trunk port to Switch & Router in beetween.

here we configured 0/2 as trunk port. in inter vlan routing talking, there are
 some encapsulation methods. no 1. is 802.1Q or dot1q  and 2 is ISL it's Ciso proprietary
  only for Cisco devices while  802.1Q or dot1q  for supports
    the multi-vendor encapsulation method.

here we taken cisco 2950 switch that  support dot1q Encapsulation method

Next is to define the native VLAN and if you want to, you can define which
VLANs are allowed to cross that trunk port, See below command

C2950 (config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 2
C2950 (config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add  2, 3, 4, 5

 Assign Switch ports to Vlan by command

C2950 (config)# interface fa0/2
C2950 (config-if)# switchport mode access
C2950 (config-if)# switchport access vlan 2

      we can assign switch port individual
like this,when they are not in sequential order
C2950 (config)# interface range fa0/1 - 5, fa0/1 - 15, fa0/24

their is another way when more than one ports we want to assign the same vlan the ,fallowing comming
the command syntax is  "interface first port no-last port no ".

C2950 (config)# interface range fa0/2 - 6
C2950 (config-if-range)# switchport mode access
C2950 (config-if-range)# switchport access vlan 2

Assign switch port 0/6 to 0/12 to vlan 3

C2950 (config)# interface range fa0/6 - 12
C2950 (config-if-range)# switchport mode access
C2950 (config-if-range)# switchport access vlan 3

InterVLAN routing Configuration

 InterVLAN routing Configuration
configuration they will talk or tranfrer data connected to all devices in same switch or in network.

but when in switch we create vlan then divided in to subdomain or subnetworks so without any 
By defaultin swithc there are one vlan and it's all ports are in same vlan so without any 
layer three device two diffrent vlant can not tranfer information or talk each other also they cant 
transfer information in other network.thay only can talk or transfer information which is in 
same vlan or same sub twork.
here we r doing inter vlan routing.Configuration of router for interVLAN routing 
   for when we wannt to talk 2 different vlan in network then intervlan routing is needed.
 appropriate VLANs back through the same line.
the packet goes to router first and the router will route the packets to the

For now lets configure the router to do interVLAN routing.

here we have cisco 2600 series's have by default 2 ethernet interface
so we can connect through that port to our cisco on that port we devided in to
 sub interfaces  ,each interface for each vlan sapretely.we will give also sapret ip addresses 
to each interface,there are no need to give ip address on main interface .
  subinter face is  one port can be logically devided into many sub interfaces.
Each sub interface will handle one VLAN/subnet.

here we need to assign VLAN first on the sub interface, after that give IP 
address .no need to give IP address to main interface ethernet 0/0 but do not forget to give 
command no shut , the sub interfaces will automatically apply the same no shutdown.
here's how we configure them:

router> enable
router2600# configure terminal
router 2600(config)# interface ethernet0/0
router 2600(config-if)# no ip address
router 2600(config-if)# no shutdown
router 2600(config-if)# interface ethernet0/0.1
router 2600(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 2
router 2600(config-subif)# ip address
router 2600(config-subif)# interface ethernet0/1.2
router 2600(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 3
router2600 (config-subif)# ip address
router 2600(config-subif)# interface ethernet0/1.3
router 2600(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 4
router 2600(config-subif)# ip address
router 2600(config-subif)# interface ethernet0/1.5
router 2600(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 5
router 2600 (config-subif)# ip address
router 2600 (config-subif)#exit
router 2600 (config-t#exit
router 2600#wr

Now Assigning a trunk port to Switch & Router in beetween.

To configure the trunk port to connect to the router and for accessing Data,
The trunk is needed to carry all VLANs or selected VLANs Data trafrering 
beetween all switches connected with the same we configure the 
FastEthernet port 0/2 of switch 2950 to routere's fa0/0 as a trunk  port & Trunk
 link that connects Each other.

C2950> enable
C2950# configure terminal
C2950 (config)# interface fa0/2
C2950 (config-if)# switchport mode trunk

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Creating Vlan With Cisco 2950

In Networking the term Vlan,it's a  Broadcast domain we all know wht is the use of i here i give below how to configure & vlan and intervlan routing i taken on cisco's managable switch,now, in switch we assume that it's initially configured like,vty terminal ,line consol 0 end .so now  here,we create some vlan here. Managment,sells,marketing and it.

C2950> enable
C2950# configure terminal
C2950 (config)# vlan 2
C2950 (config-vlan)# name MANAGEMENT
C2950 (config-vlan)# vlan 3
C2950 (config-vlan)# name sells
C2950 (config-vlan)# vlan 4
C2950 (config-vlan)# name Marketing
C2950 (config-vlan)# vlan 5
C2950 (config-vlan)# name it

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