Friday, 16 September 2011

Checking a connectivity in Network

 Checking a  connectivity in Network

   when network is running mode their is every possibility to fail your network devices,
so when ever your  Network device act as ab normal and in some of Cased ,i found that 
Network is down that are not ping or able to Transfer a date but in telnet the interface shown up,but in actual mode that is at that time just power off  router and re insert the interface card. which shown active but not actually up .this is problem of interface hang in some cases router interface hang due to temperature.because 24 hour on so it need cool temperature.this same issues creates in other devices like modems and switch.all my working time i faced this kind of issues so.One most useful and simple diagnostic tool is the ping command. Ping is an uses Icmp protocol  Internet Control Protocol (ICMP). Ping sends an ICMP (32 bit packet)echo request to a destination IP address. If the destination machine receives the Request, it reply with an ICMP echo response . 

For Example :-ping  \\ when  connection  Active

  Pinging with 32 bytes of Data:

   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255
   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255
   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255
   Reply from  bytes =32  time<1  TTL=255

For Exampls :-ping  \\ when  connection  is not Active

Pinging with 32 bytes of Data:

 Request time out
 Request time out
 Request time out
 Request time out


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