Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Router Diffrent modes

Router Diffrent modes-ExeCution  mode

"#"-Symbol indiacated that tha executong mode,At this mode all Show command run.


show startup-config

show running-config

copy run start

copy start run

erase startup-config - For Erasing Non Volatile RAm

reload -For Restart Router router

setup - starts initial  dialog

Passwords For Sequirity perpouse

enable secret Sequirity perpouse

enable secret  -To enter Enable Configuration

What is Telnet?

Telnet is network Terminal ,with use of telnet terminal we can see our router's intreface status,we can telnet from any of the ip that has been given to it's interface,We can Change,Edit orremove Router and update Router's Configuration.

Router Diffrent Enable  mode:-

Router(conf-t)#-Symbol indiacated that tha executong mode,At this mode all Show command run.

VTY - virtual terminal password

Telnet access

setup in setup mode

line vty 0 5 - specifies 0 - 5 are telnet sessions

Router(conf-t)#line vty 0 5

Router(conf-t)#password XXXXXx



IF No login means no password over telnet

Auxilliary password -for Auxilury modem access.

Router(conf-t)#line aux 0

Router(conf-t)#password xxxxx



Console password-used with direct access to console port

Router(conf-t)#line consol 0

Router(conf-t)#password Cisco




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