Monday, 8 August 2011

Telnet -Terms

Telnet is network Terminal ,with use of telnet terminal we can see our router's intreface status,we can telnet from any of the ip that has been given to it's interface,We can Change,Edit orremove Router and update Router's Configuration.

 Steps of Creating Telnet:

 Steps1:Connect the Pc to router with console cable on consol port of Router.

 Steps2:Open Hyperterminal in Pc.and Set Default Setting of Hyperterminal bit rate,Hardware,

 Steps3:one'c you enter in a Router,then go to the Configuration mode by command "config-t"

 Steps4:Now in Configuration Terminal give command for "line Vty 0 4" for Creating Telnet

 Steps5:Give command for Telnet password " Password Cisco"

 Steps6:Give command "login" for login.

 Steps7:Give Enable Password For "Enable Password " Enable Configuration


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